2020 has been an interesting year for me art wise with a lot of growth and a new direction. Last year I discovered alcohol inks and my use of the technique has grown in leaps and bounds. Then the pandemic hit and I had a hard time feeling motivated to create at all until I delved into Tiara Tuesday. I have created over 40 tiaras this year, one a week since April plus a few more for other projects and commissions.
The tiaras have helped me explore techniques I have learned in the past and really have given me an outlet for creating with abandon. I love the exploration in each of them with different themes and mediums.
I have shown a lot of art online on the Concellation FB page as well as at virtual conventions. Have done spin art and mailed it to the people who chose the colors, did tiara demos and even started my own YouTube channel. This has seriously kept me from doom scrolling everyday and art is such.a great outlet. Here are some of the pieces that I have done this year.

I created a tiara for Glasgow 2024 commemorating ConZealand which was a giveaway for Glasgow at the convention.

For CoNZealand I also created the pins for the Young Adult/Lodestar award. They went directly to the nominees and winner so weren’t shared on my website but they should be mentioned.

As a fan artist I have worked on a number of fanzines including editing a Journey Planet called Pen and Ink. I created a cover for the fanzine BEAM, as well as provided art for a story for Space Squid (https://www.spacesquid.com/short-on-time/)